2022 04 10 TUK HSA2



From April 10-12, participating students from Technical University Kenya (TUK) and University of Applied Sciences Augsburg (Hochschule Augsburg, HSA) had the chance to continue their cooperation in a face-to-face workshop in Nairobi.

After the arrival of the students from HSA, the students from TUK took their project partners on a city tour. The German students were able to catch a glimpse of life in Nairobi and the hawkers' daily business, before delving back into the development of the game.


The workshop itself comprised of daily playtest-sessions using rough prototypes, group discussions (both on the game's overall themes and aesthetics as well as its mechanisms) and brainstorming-sessions to help find new solutions and implement them into future testing.


While prior playtesting between the groups underlined some difficulties of online-cooperation, progress was quickly made in a face-to-face-situation, where many iterations of the game were generated and evaluated, and new avenues and aspects could be explored.


The workshop proved to be an important step in the continuation of the project (Link).