Members of the Expert Panel met in a video conference: Ebenezer Acquah, University of Education Winneba, Ghana; Osuanyi Essel, University of Education Winneba, Ghana; Mary Clare Akinyi Kidenda, Technical University Nairobi, Kenya; Bernadette Maria Romain Van Haute, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa; Avi Sooful, University of Pretoria, South Africa and Ernst Wagner, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Germany.
Participants discussed about the conference in Nairobi, scheduled for October 2020. Due to the pandemic it has to be postponed to 2021. In the meantime, we will start efforts to have a special issue of an Open Access Journal that allows the publication of the responses, we received to the first call.
In the meeting the role of the Cape Town Model as a flexible and helpful guideline for writing was confirmed.
In order to foster more interactivity and exchange of thoughts regarding the contributions on the website we discussed to
- allow comments on the website in the future .
- invite students from each university to reflect the contributions. The Expert panel will hold a virtual seminar for all participating students in January 2021 to start an exchange. In case of success this seminar could be held on a regular base (e.g. every 3 months).
We decided as well to implement filters for searching objects on the website.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 9th.