Minutes of the 12th meeting
Present: Avi Sooful, South Africa (Chair); Ebenezer Acquah, Ghana; Patrique deGraft-Yankson, Ghana; Osuanyi Essel, Ghana; Mary Claire Kidenda, Kenya; Constanze Kirchner, Germany; Nicola Pauli, Germany; Bernadette Van Haute, South Africa; Ernst Wagner, Germany
Documenta lectures: After two very successful presentations by Mary Claire and Osuanyi Essel / Patrique deGraft-Yankson in 2021 we are expecting two more presentations by EVC-members, Avi Sooful (10 Feb) and Paul Assako Assako (17 Feb). The presentations will also be uploaded onto the EVC website. All lecturers are invited to publish their talks in a book that in envisaged.
Book “Visual Cultures of Africa”: is currently with the publisher. Prof. Lize Kriel (University of Pretoria, South Africa) wrote the foreword for the book. We await the proofs from the publisher.
Virtual Exhibition: The exhibition from South Africa is available online (https://www.explore-vc.org/en/galleries/collective-memory-south-africa.html), also the introduction by Patrique deGraft-Yankson (https://www.explore-vc.org/en/galleries/2022-collective-memory-exhibition.html). The team from Ghana will send their contributions as soon as possible, Augsburg University will contribute artworks on behalf of Germany. Mary Clare will forward a brief introduction for the Kenyan section which will be the next to be published on the website.
Planning for the Summer School in Kassel 29 July – 5 August
- EVC will meet the documenta 15 education team on February 7.
- In preparation for this meeting each EVC partner is requested to present a brief description of their respective project.
- To manage the projects' progress and depth of ideas, and concepts, a joint partner workshop is planned for 11-12 April.
- Part of the documenta fifteen event is a student residency programme in 3 parts.
- Next meeting: 7 Feb (same time): together with the Documenta15 team.