How arts education can contribute to resolving today’s challenges
Today's world faces unprecedented crises: climate change, COVID-19, social diversity and equity issues no matter where we are. As research in arts education has demonstrated the social value, impact and role of arts education in various ways, we would like to gather artists and scholars to discuss how principles and practices of arts education can contribute profoundly to resolving the social and cultural challenges facing today’s world, as stated in the Seoul Agenda's development goal no. 3.
With these important tasks in front of us, The Republic of Korea cordially invites to participate in The 4th UNESCO-UNITWIN SYMPOSIUM, an international scholarly symposium on the theme: Arts Education in and through a Time of Crisis. The symposium. organized by KACES, Seoul, will be held entirely online on May 25 and 26, 2021.
Mary Clare Kidenda, The Technical University of Kenya, Kenya, member of EVC will give a presentation with the title "The use of Art therapy to facilitate the release, relief, reflection and restoration of students in Kenyan Universities during the COVID-19 Pandemic" on the second day. Ernst Wagner, member of EVC and honorary member of “UNITWIN – Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development” will give the keynote lecture on the first day. His title is DIVERSITY IN ART EDUCATION 2.0.