Avi Sooful, University of Pretoria, South Africa;   Ernst Wagner, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Germany;   Bea Lundt, University of Winneba, Ghana;    Mary Claire Akinyi Kidenda, Technical University Nairobi, Kenya;   Paul-Henri Souvenir Assako-Assako, Free Academy Douala, Camroon;    Bernadette Maria Romain Van Haute, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa;    Osuanyi Essel, University of Education Winneba, Ghana;   Ebenezer Acquah, University of Education Winneba, Ghana (from the left to the right)


Book proposal “Visual Culture in Africa”. This book will serve as an alternative to the canceled conference in Kenya in early 2020. It has been suggested by the Nairobi team. The following day (September 10) a meeting of the team in Kenya took place, including Mary Claire, Avi, Bernadette, Bea, and Ernst from the expert panel. It was decided to continue with this idea under the leadership of Mary Claire.

Book proposal on “Methods of interpreting visual objects”. Ernst explained the background of this concept to start an exchange about different approaches in interpreting art works. This will help to understand the diversity of methods (and through this the different ways of findings) better. Waxmann is interested in publishing such a book as volume 2 of a (coming) series of “Guiding the Eye”. Ernst will update as soon as more information is available. Osuanyi suggested to consider other media than text (e.g. video) in order to reach a broader audience. Paul proposed the possibility of free commentaries to allow participants to specify their parameters that structure his or her logic of interpretation. Mary Claire talked about her idea to relate visual cultures to songs as well that needs other forms of interpretation.

Book about “Gender in Visual Cultures Africa-Europe”: Bea informed the panel about her publication, inviting members to contribute.

Filters for searching objects: https://www.explore-vc.org/en/objects.html The filters work now, Rosa will ask all authors to check their entries.

Interactivity on the website: After logging in all authors are now able to leave comments on objects. (You have to go to objects, choose a specific object, scroll down, and there it is).

Possible future perspective: Ernst informed about the option that EVC can be included in the development of educational concepts for documenta fifteen in 2022. More at the next meeting

Next meeting: November 10