Minutes of the 27th meeting
Present: Ebenezer Acquah, Juste Constant Onana Amougui, Paul-Henri Souvenir Assako Assako, Patrique deGraft-Yankson, Osuanyi Essel, Stefan Eisenhofer, Mary Claire Kidenda, Runette Kruger, Lydia Muthuma, Jane Otieno, Nicola Pauli, Avi Sooful, Bernadette Van Haute, Ernst Wagner
Apologies: Ruth Belinga, Constanze Kirchner, Lize Kriel, Suki Mwendwa, Christian Römmelt
Conference National Art History Day in Douala, Cameroon, 7.-9. April // Journal Afrikaland Arts & Design
Paul explained the background of his initiative. His participation in a CIHA conference in Lyon in 2024 (https://www.cihalyon2024.fr/en/the-ciha) and discovering that there was no African country represented in this context, initiated the idea to start a discussion on what the role of art history in Africa might be and what could be done to make African voices heard. The conference and the planned journal are understood in this context. Participants from South Africa (Lize, Runette), Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Cameroon, Argentina and France will take part. Lydia (Kenya) is interested in connecting with this event, as there is no presence of an East African country.
EVC is excited to be part of this initiative as it aligns perfectly with the new annual theme (see item 5) and the project on restitution that Avi is involved in.
Publications after the AI conference at TUK in Nairobi
Lydia indicated that she chairs the working group responsible for the publication. The group consists of herself, Constant (Cameroon), Ebenezer Abraham (Ghana), Ernst (Germany) and Kyle (South Africa). They decided on a special issue of the journal “Image&Text” (University of Pretoria) with 12 chapters based on the lectures at the conference at TUK in November 2024. A call for contributions will be sent soon.
Mary-Claire is in touch with the “Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO” regarding a further publication that documents the AI conference at TUK in Nairobi.
Transnational project on “heritage/objects / museums”
Runette and Ernst reported that an initiative by the Museum Fünf Kontinente (Munich) to collaborate with the National Museum of Ghana could not raise the needed funds. However, the idea of collaboration in the context of EVC is still a priority. Thus, Runette started an initiative to establish a collaboration between Kenya (Nairobi Gallery together with EVC [Lydia, Jane]), South Africa (Freedom Park, Fazil, Runette), Ghana (National Museum) and EVC (Ernst – including XRHub Germany). A first step will be an application based on the call for an ACASA-Panel at ASA. In the meantime, two meetings took place on the 10th and 14th March.
Website / Newsletter
Ernst asked whether the Expert Panel would like to reactivate the newsletter. As the newsletter is a valuable medium to show what EVC is doing, it was decided to continue with this effort. Avi suggested that all Panel members send a report about local and international initiatives to Ernst within 2 weeks.
Theme 2025
Based on the responses to a survey after the last Expert Panel meeting, the theme for 2025 is “Visual art as an agent of change in the age of polycrisis” How EVC will address this theme will be decided at the next meeting. (The topic aligns with the residency program - see item 6.)
New Futures Art Collaborative – artists residencies in Johannesburg
A call was sent via EVC. Avi reported that it has a good response with more than 40 applications. Patrique expressed how relevant the topic of “mining” is for Ghana, especially as (legal and illegal) mining is polluting the environment. Runette and Avi added that illegal mining in South Africa is also an important trigger for xenophobia.
Young EVC / Zine
Nicola presented the challenges relating to both initiatives (Zine & Young EVC). With respect to a graphic designer, Avi suggested Kyle Rath (South Africa) who may assist.
Weaving Project in Winneba
Patrique reported on the progress of this project that was initiated through EVC. More information will be given in the next newsletter.