2024 08 ACASA1 


EVC's proposal for a round table discussion to the 19th ACASA Triennial Symposium on 'Exploring visual cultures - pluralising production of knowledge and expertise' was accepted . ACASA is the Arts Council of the African Studies Association. (Link) The panel took place on August 7, 2024. It was one of events that opened the online conference. EVC contributed to this important conference series for the first time. The speakers were Paul-Henry Assako Assako, Mary Clare Kidenda, Avi Sooful and Ernst Wagner. For two hours, they presented and discussed the following topics:


  • Paul-Henri S. Assako Assako: The internationalization of contemporary afro culture: the challenges of the afro fashion association Milan since 2014
  • Mary Clare Kidenda: Artistic Collaborations: Hawker Mali Mali and Narratives of the Anthropocene
  • Avi Sooful:  Rewriting the Visual - Can We Imagine a Joint Textbook for Art from the Global South and the Global North?
  • Ernst Wagner: 1001 Ways of Seeing


Follow the link for more details.