EDO NGUEMA Nelson, Why?, sculpture generative installation, 2024


For this exhibition, Nelson is presenting three visual works. The first is an installation sculpture entitled "Why?"; the second, a photograph titled "Untitled 8"; and the third, a painting called "Behold the Dangerous Dog." Through these works, his main aim is to demonstrate that artificial intelligence (AI) represents an opportunity for visual artists to combine various artistic languages to create unique works, while simultaneously materializing the will of the mind in a more tangible way. Nelson believes that art is a powerful tool for self-exploration and self-expression. Through his artistic production, he strives to delve into the depths of the human soul, capture the essence of humanity, and redefine the stereotypes associated with human identity in general and African identity in particular.


In his first work, Nelson invites viewers to reflect on the motivations that drive us to cling to life, while also questioning their own values and priorities. In the second, he confronts the audience with the inescapable reality of our mortality and the physical decay of the body, encouraging them to meditate on the cycle of life and death and the way in which we direct our existence.


AI Cam Nelson Sans titre

EDO NGUEMA Nelson, Sans titre 8, generative photography, 2024


Finally, in his last work, he tackles themes such as survival and the desperate hope we often exhibit by clinging to things that provide no real value, substance, or satisfaction, similar to a dog clinging to its bone.


AI Cam Nelson dog

EDO NGUEMA Nelson, Behold the Dangerous Dog, generative painting, 2024


Nelson's creative experience of interacting with AI has been, in his own words, innovative, exciting, and rewarding. He feels that he has been able to express his thoughts easily in both plastic and digital forms through exploring AI. Although he has a particular interest in technology, Nelson emphasizes that while AI can support creation, it must be used with caution. He illustrates his point by saying, "AI is like fire. It brings light, but it can also burn. So it's imperative that we artists don't let our creative thinking be consumed."



EDO NGUEMA Nelson web

EDO NGUEMA Nelson is a Level 1 visual arts and art history student at the Libre Académie des Beaux-Arts (LABA) in Douala, Cameroon. He is interested in various fields such as photography, painting, sculpture, and digital technologies. Nelson aspires to become both a visual artist and an art historian.